by: Amanda Thompson

dollars and cents: According
to Trulia, the median home price in Los Angeles County is $405k. If you put
the standard 20% down, on a home that price you’ll need a loan for $324,000.
IF you
wait until interest rates are 5%, with a 30 yr fixed mortgage you will pay,
$302,148.74 total interest. That means you’ll be spending
$81,991.88 more than if you buy TODAY. That could have been
my college tuition. That’s
why educated buyers are taking advantage of these low rates .
Well I am
here to tell you that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, stated
that as early as June interest rates could rise to 4%.
also stated the Fed would keep pumping money into the economy until the unemployment
rate is at a solid 6.5%. Which he
believes will take place in 2015. That
means they wouldn’t raise rates significantly but you could see them go
up to 5% by the beginning of 2014, after all they went up almost half a percent
in the last month!
So if you are a buyer on
the fence about if you should buy right now or wait, here's my advice:
If you'd rather give your
money to the bank, than take a vacation, or buy a new car, I suggest you buy
If you want the most for your money, BUY NOW!!