by: Amanda Thompson

dollars and cents: According
to Trulia, the median home price in Los Angeles County is $405k. If you put
the standard 20% down, on a home that price you’ll need a loan for $324,000.
IF you
wait until interest rates are 5%, with a 30 yr fixed mortgage you will pay,
$302,148.74 total interest. That means you’ll be spending
$81,991.88 more than if you buy TODAY. That could have been
my college tuition. That’s
why educated buyers are taking advantage of these low rates .
Well I am
here to tell you that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, stated
that as early as June interest rates could rise to 4%.
also stated the Fed would keep pumping money into the economy until the unemployment
rate is at a solid 6.5%. Which he
believes will take place in 2015. That
means they wouldn’t raise rates significantly but you could see them go
up to 5% by the beginning of 2014, after all they went up almost half a percent
in the last month!
So if you are a buyer on
the fence about if you should buy right now or wait, here's my advice:
If you'd rather give your
money to the bank, than take a vacation, or buy a new car, I suggest you buy
If you want the most for your money, BUY NOW!!
But If I were to make one extra payment, per year, the 13th payment would be designated to "principal only", which would knock 7 years off the life of the loan. - You must call the lender and tell them, so that they apply as such. Paying down principal is key, so that I'm in control and not the lender. Or you can do bi-weekly payments that equate to 13 payments, which is essentially the same. Paying down principal is the key to avoiding paying large amounts of interest on a mortgage